Friday 30 March 2012

Final Editing Touches

We made our own newspaper headlines on photoshop as we found difficulty putting in original headlines from news sources such as the BBC due to the size and copyright.
We found trouble overlapping the newspaper shots in the beginning, yet used the 'cutaway' tool and lowered the opacity of the newspapers, and felt this worked really well.
We also found trouble matching up the ticking with the title transitions, and so edited this to the best of our ability in the time we had.

Friday 23 March 2012

Edited So Far

Today, we all stayed behind after school to edit our footage together. This is an incomplete rough cut of what we have so far, as we didn't know how to intercut the newspaper headlines so will do this next week with help. We were able to add the sounds we found on, but may still record our own clock ticking next week. Next week, we will upload a full rough cut, including the newspaper footage.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Title Choice

We've chosen to use font Segmental because out of the others, it was clearest to read and gives a strong hint of the narrative of our film.

Future Plans

Conor and I have come up with a plan of what we need to do in the lead up to finishing our project:

  • We need to re-shoot some shots, such as the close-up of the watch as the time was wrong, and the clock numbers as they don't look like part of a clock.

  • We also need to film a few more shots - the tracking shots and the close-ups of the timetable numbers.

  • We've started editing certain shots together and titles, and so will keep adding to the editing once filming is finished.

  • We need to edit the newspaper headlines together and sort out transitions for these.

  • We need to sort out and decide the names going in the credits.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Filming (Friday)

  • After school on Friday, we stayed 3.10-6 and filmed all our shots where Taylor, our actress, appears.

  • We changed our tracking shot to a panning shot of the eyes because we found it more effective and easier to shoot.

  • After changing our location from the drama room to an English room we found that our shots of Taylor came out less pixilated and much clearer.

  • We struggled with the lighting, yet after changing it to naturalistic and pulling the blinds halfway we found the shots came out clearer and less pixelated.

  • Overall, it was a good filming session and we achieved a lot.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tracking Shot

Last Thursday we went to the humanities corridor to try doing some filming for our opening scene. Our group tried to do a tracking shot of the clock panning out. However, the tripod was slightly loose so it gave a jerky and shaking effect and so we will try again in another lesson.


When we began filming we found some of the shots were grainy and there was too much darkness in the locations. After looking back, we've decided to re-shoot certain shots such as the clock numbers, and will improve the lighting in the location.

  • We found difficulty tracking the clock on the wall, so put the tracks on a table and found it easier this way. However the tripod was too loose so the camera gave too much movement, so we need to re-do this shot with a tighter tripod.
  • The lighting in the drama room was too dark and when filming the clock there was too much shadow

Monday 5 March 2012

Newspaper headline ideas

During this lesson me and Connor came up with some ideas on newspaper headlines

Tibetan woman burns herself to death in Sichuan
A Tibetan mother-of-four has died after setting herself on fire in south-west China.

Poland mourns train crash victims - two officials held
Poland has begun two days of national mourning after 16 people were killed and more than 50 injured in a train crash near the southern city of Krakow

Congo blast kills 200
Around 200 people were killed in Brazzaville, capital of the Congo republic, when an arms dump exploded.