Tuesday 7 February 2012

Sound Research

In today's lesson, Me and Conor researched sound that we could include in our opening sequence, and our first idea was to use a constant ticking sound in order to create suspense - something our audience like in Thriller openings. My first idea was to use a Metronome, as we could pace it at the speed we wanted and could record it ourselves, therefore not having to rely on other sources for sound. However, we also looked at copyright-free sound websites, mainly http://www.freesound.org/, and found some fitting sounds we could possibly use.

These are all at a good pace and would work in our opening. We also researched sounds such as sirens and cars screeching to add in the background of some shots to convey the idea of 'disasters' that will happen in the later narrative.

For other sounds we may need, such as footsteps or the sound of writing on paper, it would be best to record these ourselves as it would be more in synch and natural when editing the sound with the shots. We also looked on Youtube for some examples of sounds that would fit our piece, just to get an idea of pace:

From this, we have many ideas and so will narrow these down at a later date as to whether we will record our own sound, or use the copyright-free sounds mentioned above.

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