Sunday 15 April 2012

Monaire Pillay Q7-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

From our preliminary task, we were able to learn about framing and shot compositions we were also able to learn about how to shoot a shot reverse shot, and how to use 180 degree rule to show a relationship between characters. We also learnt that team work, time management and planning is vital in order to achieve a good final opening. Inspiration from other similar films is also helpful when making your final opening so you can have an idea of different shots and convention you can put in your final opening.

   In the preliminary task we were able to learn about continuity and 
how to choose the correct shots in order to make the actions seem natural.

We  applied  continuity to our thriller opening by making the music match the shot seconds and by using the shots of the numbers first then introducing the character.

In this shot we were able to show how necessary it is to get the perfect framing and lighting of the shot. In our preliminary task the lighting was bad and the shot was tilted making the shot look not well thought through and very unprofessional
 however in our extreme close-up we thought about what to focus on and if we had enough lighting ext. 

Monaire Pillay Q6-What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Blogger –when using blogger i learnt how to arrange different posts and to utalise a blog sufficiently, I learnt that by sharing a blog you could communicate with one another and gain idea for different shots though looking at what other thrillers people had looked at.
Macs, imovie and Photoshop – I learnt how to function Macs, shortcut buttons, how to edit clips using imove and how create newspaper headline on Photoshop. I was able to improve my editing skills and learnt how to place images over clips thus being better as a whole at using imove.
Internet websites- we used internet websites such as dafont to find our text and freesound to find our music and also when we were not able to do something looked up tutorials or instructions on the way then learning how to used imove functions more effectively
Hd handheld camera- we learnt how to do close-ups without our shots becoming overly pixelated and learnt how to upload our footage and to get the shots the way we wanted using the tripod and tracks to assist us in filming our shots.

Monaire Pillay Q5-How did you attract/address your audience?

Monaire Pillay Q4-Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our film would be perfect for this target audience because the main character is a white teenaged school girl meaning that the target audience can relate to the character, thus making the opening more thrilling for them because this means that they can relate to the character, and feel empathy. Because our film is also a cross between independent and mainstream the means that we can target our target audience and still encourage other to show interest.

Monaire Pillay Q3-What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

In January 2012, Lionsgate announced it was acquiring Summit Entertainment, producers of the Twilight Saga films, for $412.5 million. Therefore showing there increasing popularity and showing that they could make our film popular and achieve success, because our film used some special effects and uses a twist in the story line we are able to compare our film to the films that Lionsgate have previously produced.although we accommodate themes for a mainstream audience by doing such things as making our main character relate to our target audience however by adding the twist in the storyline of the charters obsession with time this shows aspects of an indie genre thus making our story seem more independent and making Lionsgate the perfect choice for our film because they accommodate for both types of films.

The Hunger Games grossed $152.5 million, making it Lionsgate's highest grossing film after just three day

Monaire Pillay Q2-How does your media product represent particular social groups?