Sunday 15 April 2012

Rochelle Thomas - Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When planning our opening, we constructed storyboards where we sketched up our shots and put an explaination of how many seconds the shots would be, what shots we where trying to interpret and the sound which in this case was ticking all throughout and lastly what the lighting would be like within our shots. Throughout the construction of our first storyboard drafting and final storyboard we made a range of changings to our shots and added the credits in our storyboard as well. Throughout the planning process I have learnt that it is important to plan and make changes during the construction of the product, as it allows us to make changes and keep things that we felt had worked. During the planning process I recognized the importance of ideas, all members of our group were able to interpret their own ideas on what they thought we should include in our opening. During our preliminary task we learnt the importance of planning, as opposed to changing ideas and re-drafting them, this allowed us to decide what were going to change and what we were going to keep. We realised that planning is useful and made the construction of our final product easier.

FILMING: During the filming of preliminary and the first weeks of filming for our final product we learnt the importance of location, we noticed that some of our shots where to dark causing problems with the shadowing we was trying to create. We had to change our location a few times however we learnt that setting is highly important when filming. During our preliminary we had to cover continuity through the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot-reverse-shot, we learnt that the continuity must be maintained throughout all of our shots for example if an action occurs in one shot, that action has to be followed into the next shot. We learned that it is important to interpret contiousness and a clear narrative action. However sometimes it is seen to be conventional to distrupt the action within a shot, as it adds suspense. In our preliminary we noticed that it is important that when interpreting shot-reverse-shot nothing that isn't meant to be in focus shouldn't be. After are preliminary task we found it much easier to work the camera and other equipment and we also found it easier to interpret continuity throughout.

EDITING: We learnt that all our shots had to be the same to express continuousness and a clear narrative for example we had to make sure that we didnt have some shots with fast paced editing and others with slow paced, we made sure that all the shots flowed well. We also made sure that the ticking was in sync with the cuts between each of the shots and that with the shots of the clock the ticking was in sync with the clock aswell. Overall I have learnt how important it is for our shots to be maintained.

This is a link to our preliminary task:

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