Sunday 15 April 2012

Conor Sturgess - Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We decided to represent young teenagers in our movie as our audience research told us that the majority were of ages 16-18. The serious perspective is reflected in our opening where all the viewer will see is a teenaged girl looking depressed and very lonely seeing the world in a distorted and distrubing way through her eyes. This isn't exactly a positive view on young social groups, but thats what had been intended from our storyboard.
  • Because of our characters appearance  you  immediately recognize through her facial features and clothing that she is a school student looking depressed and anxious.

As you can see in the image, she is wearing a white t-shirt and a black cardigan, which implies a school uniform and she is inside a school classroom, showing she is a student. We wanted our audience to recognize  the mise-en-scene and to be automatically intuned to the character’s background narrative. 

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